Hearts of Poets, Minds of Actors, Bodies of Gymnasts
AMT is currently scheduling workshops and classes for Fall 2012. If you are an educator and would like to host an AMT class or workshop at your school, or would like more information, please contact us!

Coming This October...

We see each other every day...but who don’t we see?
October 4 - 13, 2012
Thursdays-Sundays at 8pm
“Industry Night” on Monday, October 10
2307 Manor Rd.
Austin, TX 78722
Free Parking. Bus Route.
The Butterfly Bar @ The VORTEX (open nightly at 5pm)
$30-$25 Priority Seating, $15-$20 General Admission, $10 Starving Artists
Available at www.vortexrep.org or call 512-478-5282
Limited seating. Advance Purchase Recommended.
A high energy, sometimes-comical-often-tragical-always-compelling look at what happens when a body suddenly appears on a busy street full of busy people with busy jobs ... people just happy the bullet missed them today ...all too busy to notice ... a Body? All done through poetic, stylized physical acting with original music and a lot of briefcases. Sure, somebody gets shot, but who? The nagging Housewife? Her comatose Husband? The not-so-blind Beggar or bumbling Thief? The jovial Cop is sure everything is fine. Meanwhile, the Cat Lady sheds her fur, has a good roll and slinks away with her friends. Is this uh . . . body . . . dead or alive? The Bag Lady doesn’t care, the Little Girl does, her Friend thinks it’s totally weird, and we all spiral through a mesmerizing world of what scrap of humanity is left.
THIS UH...BODY features a powerful cast of physical actors! Principles in the company include artistic director Michael Lee, Amelia Turner, Kyle Connealy and Melissa Trevino. Joining them are Becky Karpovsky, Anna McConnell, Lucas Reilly and Melissa Vogt-Patterson and Joanna Wright. Conceived, written and choreographed by Michael Lee, THIS UH...BODY features original music by Brad Murphy and lighting design by Steven Shirey.